5 WOMEN + Words of Inspiration

Do you ever have those moments in life when you stop and think about WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU STAND FOR, WHAT YOU’VE DONE, WHAT’ YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED, WHAT YOU STILL HAVE TO ACCOMPLISH, and how you want to see yourself and your life grow and move forward???  Well, I’ve thought a lot about that  stuff lately, not because I’m in a time of transition, but because I want to make sure I’m headed in the right direction with my life and my purpose. 

When I think about these kinds of things, I can’t help but think about the people who have influenced me, inspired me and help define who I am and strive to be on a dialy basis. 

There are five women that stand out in my mind, this is who I want to be when I grow up…



Because she opened doors and sees the best in everyone!  As an English teacher, my mom has taught me more than just how to form a proper sentence.  She also taught me (and continues to) these important lessons:

*  If you don’t have anything nice to say about a person, don’t say anything at all! 

*  Have Faith!

*  If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will!

*  Never leave home without 25 cents in your pocket, just in case you need to make a call.  This of course was  when pay phones existed but I still take this to heart and have some hidden money in my wallet at all times…just in case. 

*  Money Isn’t Everything!  She is so right, there is so much more to happiness and life!


My mom’s favorite quote:  It’s better to light one candle, than to curse the darkness!



Because she has shown us that dreams can come true for anyone that BELIEVES and WORKS HARD!

What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come.
Oprah Winfrey

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Because she stands up and fights for what’s right versus what’s popular.

“Find out who you are and figure out what you believe in. Even if it’s different from what your neighbors believe in and different from what your parents believe in. Stay true to yourself. Have your own opinion. Don’t worry about what people say about you or think about you. Let the naysayers nay. They will eventually grow tired of naying.”
Ellen DeGeneres

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Because she has fallen down, gotten back up and never let the circumstances get her down! 

“When you’re through changing, you’re through.”

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Becasue she is so comfortable in her own skin and has developed a personal style that is unique and true to who she is.

“I can’t tell people how to have style. No amount of money can buy you style. It’s just instinctive. You can’t try to be somebody you’re not; that’s not style. If someone says, ‘Buy this, you’ll be stylish,’ you won’t be stylish because you won’t be you. You have to learn who you are first and that’s painful… I don’t try to intellectualize about it because it tightens you up. I think you have to be loose as a goose.”

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In your moments of pondering life, who do you want to be when you grown up???  I’d love to know!


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