I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed the long weekend.
I’m excited to share my latest DIY Christmas craft with you today! I had an idea in my mind to create a Christmas Countdown using my chalkboard and originally planned to use burlap bags to hold a daily treat.
I was going to stencil numbers onto the front of each bag and hang it on my chalkboard with a magnetic clothes pin.
Each bag was going to hold a little treat or a special message that my hubby and I could share each day.
My Christmas Countdown was going to be cute and whimsical, and fit in with my black, white and red tartan Christmas decor theme.
Then it happened…
I stopped by Hobby Lobby to pick up some more burlap bags and as I walked down the aisle a bundle of white french fry boxes caught my eye.
I looked at the boxes and thought how great they would be to hold a small item. Then my thoughts drifted to the Christmas Countdown project I had in my head.
I wondered if the fry boxes could work in place of the burlap bags…
then the vision came alive in my head.
So, I snatched up tree bags of fry boxes and headed out of the store to make my DIY dream come true.
Isn’t this adorable? This project turned out better than I hoped and was so easy to make.
Using a variety of stickers and plastic numbers I had on hand, I numbered 25 boxes, 1 thru 25 to represent each day in December. I added a holly leaf embellishment to several of the boxes for a bit of color.
Next, I punched two small holes on the back piece of each box and strung three groups of 8 boxes onto red and white twine. The December 25th box sits alone at the top of my board.
The twine is secured to the back of my chalkboard using small Command Hooks.
I added a small wreath and holiday sign to the top of the chalkboard as the topper.
The hubs and I filled each of the boxes and every evening we’ll see what treat awaits us.
So, now we’re ready to countdown to Christmas!
If you want to make your own Christmas Countdown here’s what you’ll need:
* Large Chalkboard (mine is a thrift store picture and I painted directly over the glass with chalkboard paint)
* White french fry boxes (also available in Kraft stock)
* Red and white Baker’s Twine (available thru Amazon)
* Assorted sticker and plastic numbers
* Command Hooks (these are an essential holiday decorating tool for me)
Whatever you want to top your chalkboard and fill your boxes!
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That is very creative. I love it! And….. Better then the burlap idea!
Thanks so much Jill. It was so fun and easy to make.