Happy first Monday of 2015!
I’m excited about the 360 days that lay ahead and all that I can accomplish, experience and do this year. I’ve been working on outlining some specific blog goals for 2105 and will be sharing it all with you soon. When I originally started the ConfettiStyle blog, my mission was to share tips, ideas and inspiration in the areas of interior design/decorating, entertaining, gifting and fashion. I’ve stayed true to my vision over the years while expanding a bit and including some DIY and crafting projects as well.
Because these are all things I’m passionate about, I’ve enjoyed sharing my knowledge, ideas and projects and plan to do more of that in 2015. I will also be introducing some new blog series throughout the year, one of which is the basis of today’s post–Jump Starting the New Year!
Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing tips and inspiration to jump-start the new year when decorating your home, to help you entertain creatively, to personalize your gift giving and to help you create your unique fashion statement.
So let’s get going and jump-start the new year!
I know many people feel that same way that I do when Christmas ends.. The tree comes down, the sparkling lights get boxed up, the Christmas music comes to an end and your home feels flat. Christmas can definitely add a magical feel to your home but there are FIVE easy and inexpensive things you can do now to make your home feel magical again as you move into the new year.
No. 1–ReArrange Your Furniture
The new year calls for a new perspective and when it comes to home decor, one of the easiest ways to achieve that is with a simple shift of your furniture. The beginning of the year is a great time to mix it up and change the focus of your room. Try moving the sofa to a new location, switch our lamps and maybe even change the area rug. Go through every room in your home and see what elements can be moved from one room to another. This little exercise is also a great way to reconnect with your design style. As you move things around you’ll begin to notice items that no longer appeal to you or fit your aesthetic. Purge those pieces so in the new year your home reflects only things that you love and that make you feel good.
No. 2–DeClutter and Organize Your Surroundings
I for one cannot function if I’m in a disorganized environment. Whenever my home or office is in disarray it is reflected in my mood and my work efficiency. I grew up with a dad that believed in ‘everything in it’s place, and a place for everything’ and this is my mantra as well. Take the month of January to declutter, purge and organize the areas of your home that you spend the most time in. Start by organizing what is visible to the eye and then move to drawers and hidden spaces.
If you need some easy organizing tips, check out this post from The Budget Decorator.
No. 3–Refresh With New Pillows
A new year often means a refocus on saving money and budgeting. You don’t have to invest in a lot in new decor to give your home a fresh feel for the new year, just refresh your pillows. Add a few colorful pillows to brighten up your sofa and the overall look of your room. Target, HomeGoods and Ikea are my favorite budget-friendly pillow sources and when I’m really on a tight budget, I get crafty and handcraft a few pillows using inexpensive cloth napkins. You can learn how to make a no-sew pillow from one of my favorite bloggers.
No. 4–Surround Yourself With Inspiration
The other day I wrote a blog post focused on having a positive mind which I believe helps in creating a positive life. An inexpensive way to stay positive is to surround yourself with inspirational quotes and artwork. Create a gallery wall in your home office or in the hallway you walk every morning and night. As you walk by your art display, read the words and make them apart of your daily mindset. There are tons of free downloads on Pinterest and great DIY images via Etsy. You can check out my favorite inspirational downloads on my Free Download Pinterest board.
No. 5–Accessorize With Feel Good Items
A great way to energize the new year and keep it going until the last day of December is to accessorize with what I call feel good items. Candles will not only make your home smell good but surrounding yourself with a beautiful scent will do wonders to help you relax and rejuvenate. Gather a stack of books that inspire you or that you want to read this year and incorporate them into your decor. Use the books to elevate decorative items and place a few on your nightstand. Here are a few books on my 2015 reading list:
Taking time at the beginning of the year will help you create a year filled with beauty, inspiration, comfort and Joy!
Thank you Shelly! Out of all the Pinterest boards I follow your Free Download board is my favorite. We’re going to be moving soon and I’m going to put inspirational quotes in the hallway. What a great idea!
Thanks Dana. I hope the new year is starting off grand for you.