One of the best parts of attending the Atlanta Gift Shows each year (besides an afternoon spent in the gourmet food section), is seeing all the new interior design and entertaining books that will be hitting the market in the coming months. I was so thrilled to see so many incredible books hitting the presses and scheduled for release during the fall and winter.
Get ready to add these gems to your reading list and coffee table displays.
In her third book, Scrapbook For Living, Bunny Williams takes you on room by room tours of some the magnificent homes she has decorated. You’ll walk away with creative ways to organize and add personal touches to your home, as well as create a new list of fabulous design and decorating tips to reference for years to come. Look for this book to hit book stores on Nov. 1st. Until then check out Bunny’s wonderful on-line store at Beeline Home, here!
I absolutely love Chris Madden and her practical and understandable approach to design. The Soul of a House is her latest book and will be available Oct. 19th. I can’t wait to add this beautiful book to my ever growing collection of Chris Madden titles. And, have you seen Chris’ line of furniture available at JC Penney. Check it out here!
Believe it or not, but this is Mary McDonald’s first design book, and just like the cover shot, the book is incredible. House Beautiful has named Mary one of the top 100 designers on many occasions and rightly so. Her expertise is in designing homes that are a bit old-fashion, a bit hollywood glamour, a bit whimsical and ever so timeliness. If you love interior design, you are going to love Mary McDonald Interiors. Make sure you pick up a copy when it hits book stores on Oct. 5th!
Alexa Hampton is an incredible designer. As the president of the design firm her father started in 1976 (Mark Hampton, LLC), Alexa has is a seasoned designer with a taste for traditional and eclectic design. Her design book showcases rooms that make a definitive design statement. I love her use of fabrics and attention to detail. The Language of Interior Design will be available Oct. 5th.
This is the first and only book (to date) from Town and Country Magazine. Showcasing 30 high-end interior projects, you are going to love that At Home with Town and Country makes beautiful design look attainable for us all. The book is full of advice and inspiration for creating stylish spaces that I often just dream about. Available Sept. 7th.
This exquisite book by Suzanne Rheinstein, designer and owner of LA’s Hollyhock store, is a real treasure. What I love about Suzanne is her eye for color, her impeccable taste and her sense of elegance and grace. In the pages of her book, you’ll get to see some beautifully decorated room, including shots from her own homes in Los Angeles and New York. Suzannes’ love for antiques is obvious in her work, but I love how she combines old items in a new and refreshing way. You can pick up your copy of At Home, A Style for Today with Things from The Past on Oct. 19th.
With over 30 years of design and architectural experience, David Easton has pulled together a classic interior design book. Showcasing the best of traditional interior design, Timeless Elegance is a must if you love classic and timeless looks . Available Oct. 1st.
During the Atlanta Gift Show, I had the absolute pleasure of attending a design seminar in which Jonathan Adler presented his ideas on “Staying Trendy & True to You.” Boy was this a great seminar. Jonathan is so engaging, with a real zest for life and love for what he does. He shared some great design advice including his top design tip: “Every Room needs a Dash of Hippie and a Dolip of Socialite!” His latest book, Happy Chic Colors is full of fun, vibrant and energizing design ideas. If you don’t pick this book up on Nov. 2nd, add it to your Christmas List. It is a must-have!
Who doesn’t love Barbara Streisand! And, who knew she has a real love for interior design. In her first design book, My Passion For Design showcases the design and decorating work that Barbara has done in her own homes. There are a ton of photographs showcasing her collected treasures as well as her beautiful gardens at her home along the California coast. This book is part design and part memory lane as Barbara shares memories of her life, from childhood through today. On book stands Nov. 16th.
Many people ( myself included) may not have heard of Madeleine Castaing but she was one of the most influential designers of our past. A French decorator and antique dealer, Madeline’s style was unique, classic and a bit quirky at times. Above all, her work was beautiful. had a great write-up on Madeleine Castaing that will give you a wonderful perspective on her work and who she was. Madeleine died in 1982 at the age of 98. The World Of Madeleine Castaing is available Oct. 19th.
This is Madeleine Castaing’s Home.
Yippie! Another book from William Yeoward. I love, love, love anything that William Yeoward does. As stated in the intro of his book, “William Yeoward At Home is all about enjoyment and the joie de vivre of living and entertaining!” Each chapter covers a different style of entertaining, and William highlights all you’ll need for each occasion. A British designer and entertaining guru, William Yeoward is one of my all time favorite designers and authors! I can’t wait to get the book in my hand. You too can get a copy beginning in August.
And, William, the next time (ok, first time) I visit London, I want to do lunch!
This is an absolutely beautiful book. An inductee into the Interior Design Hall of Fame, Victoria Hagan is a master at subdued yet impactful color use. I love that her rooms are full of personality, have a distinct flair and are original in so many ways. Interior Portraits is destined to be one of my favorite design books of all time. Available Oct. 12th.
This is one of my “to-die for” rooms from Victoria!
Ok, I hope I’ve got you drooling over some of the new design books soon to be released. If you don’t already have an account with, NOW IS THE TIME! Happy Reading.
Thanks so much for sharing all of these. I was just looking through amazon for some great resources yesterday. I’ll be sure to look into some of these too!