Today is a really special day in my life because the hubby and I are celebrating a major milestone. It’s our 25th wedding anniversary!
25 years ago I walked down the aisle to my love and best friend and said I do. As I look back on the last 25 years I am grateful that we’ve been blessed with a marriage that has grown in strength and love. Marriage is not always easy but with dedication, respect and love it can be great.
True love blossoms when you care about another person more than you care about yourself.
Communicating is far more about listening and understanding than it is about talking.
Always give a hug or kiss before leaving the house. This might seem like a little thing in a marriage but often times it’s the little gestures that can have the biggest impact over time. Even today when my husband leaves for work at 6:15 in the morning, he comes and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I may not always feel the kiss on my forehead but I feel it in my heart.
Go out of your way to do things that make each other happy.
Don’t say things you’ll regret! If I had to pick one thing about my marriage that I am most proud of, it would be that in our 25 years of marriage we have never used profanity towards each other, screamed at each other or called each other names. We respect our marriage and each other enough not to use words that are demeaning, disrespectful or belittling.
Respect each other with both your words and your actions.
Don’t sweat the small stuff! My parents were married for 27 years before my dad passed away and this is one of the pieces of wisdom she shared with me before I got married.
Create a clear vision of your shared future together. Sit down, listen to each other and write out how you want your future as a couple to look.
Don’t go to bed angry!
Don’t keep score! Trying to make your relationship fifty-fifty proposition will cause a lot of unnecessary tension and you don’t need that. So unless your spouse is a total slacker, recognize that in a happy marriage both partners try to help their mate carry the load.
Love is as much about saying I love you as it is about showing the other person you love them.
Never lose the art of dating. Select an activity where the two of you can interact, talk, and just be together enjoying each other’s company.
To have a really happy marriage, you need to work at it. As the saying goes, the only place you find success before work is in the dictionary.
Take time to have some fun together every day!
The best way to strengthen a marriage is to support and assist each other in being the best you can be. A strong marriage is one in which both people understand that the other person needs to have outside interests and activities which help them to feel happy and fulfilled.
A strong marriage is one where both people understand that it is more important to be happy than it is to be right.
Never stop growing together. Atrophy is the natural process when you stop working a muscle, just as it is if you stop working on your relationship. Find common goals, dreams and visions to work towards.
And above all, thank God everyday for your marriage and your mate.
Here’s to another 25 years of love and happiness!
Happy Anniversary. All this advice is RIGHT ON!! Everyone needs to read this. Thank you.
Happy 25th Anniversary! Hugs
Thanks so much Lisa.
Shelly – Congratulations! Love all your Marriage quotes. All Vital. All Valid. All Important. And So Sweet.
Happy Beautiful 25 th anniversary!!! Thank you for these words.
Shelly- this is a beautiful post! Happy Anniversary to y’all & many more!! xo 💗
Thanks so much Melanie.
Best quotes ever! When applied we can live the “happily ever after!” (Even when life throws many curve balls our way)
Still working at it for 37yrs, we’ll never give up!
Thanks my dear friend.
Thanks so much.