Rooms Inspired by HomeGoods–Blue and White Lamps

Happy Hump Day!  I hope your week is going swell and that you are doing great things!

Today I wanted to share with you a  few room designs I created, inspired by HomeGoods.

Every time I walk through HomeGoods, I find myself snapping pictures and envisioning how I’d use a particular item in a room.  Instead of keeping my imagination to myself, I’ve decided to share my vision with you in a new series that will be popping up on the blog from time to time.  It’s called Rooms Inspired by HomeGoods.  Sometimes I’ll be sharing room designs, sometimes it might be an entertaining tablescape or it might be a vision I have for chic bathroom.  The rooms and spaces I feature will vary, but the inspiration will all come from something I’ve spotted at HomeGoods. 

Last week while wandering the aisles I noticed lots of really beautiful blue and white lamps.  As a designer, I know blue and white is a color combo that’s been around for a long time but I also know it is blazing a new trail when it comes to HOT design trends.  Although a classic color combo, you’re seeing lots of different colors being combined with blue and white to give it fresh and modern feel.

Here’s a look at the lamps I photographed at HomeGoods,followed by the room designs they inspired….

(p.s.  If you want to know the source of any of the products I’m showing just leave me a comment and I’ll let you know)

This blue and white lattice patterned lamp is a classic interpretation of a ginger jar lamp.   It is the perfect lamp for a chic and eclectic home office–ideal for a blogger, creative type or a space that will make paying bills a lot more enjoyable.  When it comes to mixing blue and white with other colors, my favorite option is adding  pops of color and touches of gold or brass, like these starburst mirrors. Although the blue and white lamp and the rug are similar in design style, the rug provide the focal point for the room and adds the color energy.

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I told you I love mixing color with blue and white.  Here’s a teen’s room that’s stylish and fun without being to grown-up.  The square base blue and white lamp has a contemporary feel so I thought the other elements in the room should be a mix of traditional (chair, mirror and table) and bohemian (pillow and fur rug).  The animal motif plates and the striped rug bring all the colors together.  This is definitely and HomeGoods Happy space.

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When it comes to foyer design, a blue and white ginger jar lamp is always a great option.  The lamp along with the mirror and the metal framed table would create the perfect furniture grouping for both small and large foyers.  The bright orange chairs flanking each side of the table and the colorful floral rug on the floor would really make a foyer space come alive. Classic accessories add the finishing touch. Those gold votive holders are a must.

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Who doesn’t love a beautiful and soothing bedroom?  When I saw this lamp I knew it would be perfect for a bedroom space.  When designing the space and because the headboard and lamp are chunky, I though a metal and glass nightstand (p.s. it’s actually a side table) would help give the room an open and airy feel. The oval mirror is the perfect way to enhance the light in the room and it’s no secret that I love mirrors above a night stand.  To add the punch of color I envisioned a beautiful piece of artwork (classic but colorful), pillows with pattern and detail and classic ginger jar accessories.  This is definitely a space I love to end the day in.

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So what do you think of these lamps and the rooms they inspired?  I love shopping at HomeGoods not only because of the prices but also because they are always stocked with the latest trends in furniture and accessories.

And I wanted to let you know that this post is not a sponsored post but because I’m in a HomeGoods (TJMaxx or Marshalls) on a weekly basis I thought I’d share how they inspire me so we can all



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