Inspiration Notebook | September 2017

September–A Season Of Change

September is a magical time of year!  Summer is winding down and the pace of life seems to slow a bit. Vacation getaways are replaced by lazy Saturday mornings and weekend road trips.  The days are still warm but there is a recognizable chill in the morning air because fall is fast approaching.

This is my favorite time of year to go thrifting, visit the farmers market and take walks in the park.  I’m hoping to do all of these things in abundance and enjoy each day as it comes.   We still have a lot to do to get settled into your new house  into our new house but my focus this month will be to get my office together.  I’ll be sharing my design plan for this space later this week so stay tuned.

While I’m enjoying the beauty of September and the coming of fall, I also have the holidays on my mind.  I’ve starting flushing out my holiday decorating plans and a sneak peek of my color theme is included in the images below.

It’s going to be a busy month but I plan on making the most of the glorious month.


September 2017 Inspiration Notebook by ConfettiStyle

September 2017 Inspiration Notebook by ConfettiStyle
September 2017 Inspiration Notebook by ConfettiStyle


While we’re easing into a new month, here are some fun facts about September that I thought you might enjoy.  Cheers to the month ahead and the adventures that await.

Fun Facts About September

♦ The 9th month of the year marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern hemisphere and the start of spring in the Southern hemisphere.

♦ September starts on the same day of the week as December each year, but does not end on the same day of the week as any other month in the year.

♦ This month has three birth flowers: the forget-me-not, the morning-glory and the aster. Forget-me-nots represent love and memories, asters represent love as well, and the morning-glory represents unrequited love. These are all very passionate flowers.

♦  In the northern hemisphere, the Autumn Equinox occurs and fall begins. This takes place on September 22nd or 23rd, depending on the year.

♦  Fun days to celebrate this month:  9/5: National Cheese Pizza Day,  9/9: National Teddy Bear Day, 9/16: National Play-Doh Day, 9/19: International “Talk Like A Pirate Day”.


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