Blog Life University

Have you ever been to a blog conference? 

One of the things I set out to do when I started blogging 5 years ago was to learn as much as I could about the blogging.  Since starting my blog, I’ve attended two conferences where I’ve learned a lot about the business of blogging and had the opportunity to connect with brands.  I’ve also made some great connections and friendships with other bloggers.–a bonus to attending a blog conference.

Later this month, I’ll be attending my third blog conference, Blog Life University here in Atlanta.  Unlike the other conferences I’ve attended, this one aims to bring together bloggers from all niches for 2 days of networking, connecting and learning.


For someone who wants to continue to build and develop their blog this conference offers a great line-up of classes led by some of the country’s top bloggers.

Sessions Include:

Building a Passive Income With Ebooks

Monetizing Your Blog Today

Anatomy of a Viral Post

Pitching Sponsored Post & Getting Them

Behind the Scenes of Sponsored Posts–A Brand Perspective

Growing a Passive Income with Affiliate Marketing

To view the full conference agenda, visit Blog Life University.


In addition to the conference sessions, there will be time to network with brands during the Brand Expo and an extended Q & A session with the speakers.


Tickets for Blog Life University are on sale now and I’m happy to announce that I was selected to be a conference ambassador. As an ambassador, I can offer a discount of $100 off your conference registration.  To take advantage of this offer, follow this link and use the code BLU16.  Speaker-button

I’m looking forward to attending and learning even more about the business of blogging.  If you’re a blogger or have been thinking about starting a blog, this conference is definitely one you don’t want to miss. #bloglifeuniversity

Blog Life University–Where Blogging Leads to Success

Shelly Signature



Inspiration {plus links you’ll love}

Succulents and Roses

Happy weekend friends. 

The weather here in Atlanta is going to warm up a bit so I’m planning to head to the park for some sun and a good walk.  While you’re enjoying your weekend, take some time to check out the links below.

And if you want to learn now to make that succulent and rose arrangement for Valentine’s Day, head here.


Design Tip:  Painted doors and trim can really transform the look of your home.

Painted Doors and Trim



Kristin’s kitchen makeover is filled to so many chic touches and features one of my favorite color combos–black, white and gold!
I want a do-over on my first apartment out of college so I can decorate like this.  You won’t believe this space is only 635 sq. feet.
Check out this resource list of companies that will help you hack simple Ikea furniture into super stylish designs.
This is the every-thing-you-need-to-know resource of design information and definitely worth pinning (or even printing) for future reference.  Thanks Jenny for sharing this with me.


DIY Inspiration: If you’re looking for some DIY inspiration, find out which thrift store items make for the best diy projects.

Thrift store finds



Stores are having lots of great sales right now and it’s a great time to do some early Christmas shopping or buy a few things for yourself.
This Smartphone Speaker is a great gift for a teen or any man in your life.
A cool gadget to store in your car, just in case!
This would make a fantastic father’s day gift.
If you’re always cold like me, you’ll want to buy one of these.  Plus you’ll look like a celebrity when you’re out and about.
A whimsical accessory for a tabletop or bookcase vignette.  
These shower curtain rings I mentioned a few weeks back are on sale.  I ordered some and am using them for something totally different.  Stay tuned.


 Wise Words: My favorite quote this week…



Here’s a great list of books you might want to check out in the new year. 
If you’re on WordPress, you should check out this post.  It caught my attention and put me into action.
Want to know what all those blogging terms mean, check out this glossary.

Shelly Signature

Inspiration {for blogging and life}

I’m deviating from my usual Saturday inspiration and design tip post to share another form of inspiration with you.

 I am always working to be a better person, a better blogger and to grow my businesses and the universe must be tuned in to that because this week 4 great articles on blogging, business and life were in my inbox.

Each article is filled with lots of great tips and advice that is not only applicable to blogging but also to life so I just had to share them with you.

 If you’re a blogger I hope this info inspires you in a new way and if you’re not a blogger, I hope the inspiration you find in these words enhance your life.

Enjoy and Be Inspired!

 Blogging Tips

Blogging Organization Tips 

Lessons learned

Lessons Learned From Blogging

Work Life

How to Have A Healthy Work Life At Home

Blogging and Life

What Blogging Can Teach You About Life

Creative Inspiration {plus a few links you’ll love}

Happy Friday!  Just a few things to inspire your creativity!



I love the styling of the shoe closet!  Such a great way to display the pieces you have and create wearable combos at the same time.



Love this idea for Up-Styling a piece of Ikea furniture!



Since my handbags are in constant rotation, I just might have to try making one of these for myself.



 If you’re looking an inexpensive, easy and chic placemat, look not further than the scrapbook aisle at your local craft store for 12 ” x 12″ glittered scrapbook paper.

Here are a few links I know you’ll enjoy!

How to Shop Smart for Antiques

Why Couples Fight at Ikea (oh so true)

Are you doing what it takes to be enormously successful and truly happy?

Even if you’re not a food blogger you’ll find this information on making money with your blog interesting.


See you back here Monday with a look at Christmas trends 2014! ( 5 months and counting)

Haven Conference Recap

Haven 2014-5

I won this cute Have pillow at the conference

Hi all.  I’m back today to share a bit about the Haven Conference I attended over the weekend and my biggest takeaways from the event.  If you are not familiar with Haven, it is a conference for Home and DIY bloggers.  The conference brings together bloggers from all over the country as well as top brands in the home and DIY industry for 3 days for learning, networking and some pretty serious partying too!

Haven 2014-3

my blogging pals Tina from Encore Creations / me / Talana from Music Street Designs

Since the Haven conference takes place right here in Atlanta I couldn’t miss out of the opportunity to attend and boy am I glad I went.  Yes I learned a lot of great things that will help me grow and evolve my blog but most importantly I connected with lots of fabulous ladies who I know will enrich life in so many ways going forward.  Here are my biggest takeaways from the conference.

Read the Post

My Blog Goals for 2014

In addition to setting personal goals for the new year, I have also been flushing out the goals I have for the ConfettiStyle blog.  Blogging for me is not only a creative outlet but it has become an extension of my business and has in fact brought new business, relationships and opportunities my way.  It has been an exciting journey, from my first blog post to today but I want to take my blog and the business of blogging to a new level.  Here’s what I have planned for 2014!


Better Photography–YES I’ve had my new DSLR camera for over a year and NO I haven’t even picked up the manual or watched the video that came with it.  But 2014 will be different.  Not only will I read the manual and watch the video, I’m taking a photography class this year and I’m dedicated to practice, practice, practice.  My camera is going to be my sidekick and the photos I show on my blog will be bigger, brighter and better.


More DIY, Crafting and How-To-Projects–I love to create and I’m planning on bringing you lots of great projects this year.  I’m not a furniture maker or wood-worker so the projects I share with you will be on the smaller scale and very do-able!  I’ve already got a long list of projects started and have begun working on some which I’ll share in the weeks ahead.  Creating things that I can enjoy in my home and life, or give to friends and family will be the foundation of my projects and of course inspiring you to be creative too!


Quality over Quantity–When I looked back on 2013 I realize that I felt the pressure to keep up.  Keep up with the bloggers that blog daily or even twice a day, keep up with crafters that churn out 100’s of project each year, keep up with being, going and doing.  Well, I’m looking at 2014 through different lenses.  This year I may not bring you a blog post every day and I may not have two or three projects for you each month, but what I do promise is focusing on creating quality design, fashion, gifting and entertaining related blog post for you to learn from and be inspired by.  If you don’t already, I’d love for you to subscribe (on the right sidebar) to the blog so you’ll get my post delivered directly to you inbox and for you to follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I’ll be sharing design ideas and inspiration you won’t see on the blog.


More Original Content–There is so much fabulous design inspiration that can be found on the web, Pinterest and other blogs and I will continue to bring you those things that I things that catch my eye and that I think you’ll love.  I also want this year to be about sharing more original content with you.  Over the course of my blog life I’ve developed several series like The Anatomy Of…, Words to Inspire, Fashion Focus, Gift Wrap Inspiration and Design Crush.  In order to bring you more original content some of these series will continue and some will go away but I’m working on a few new series to launch this year.  How does a series called Styling 101 where I’ll share design advice for styling things like kitchen counters, bookcases, closets and hobby spaces sound to you?  What about Style Recipe where I’ll show you a room, vignette, tablescape and then break down the elements ‘recipe style’ to help you re-create the look?  I’m also planning a series called, Crafting Course where I’ll share crafting projects and the how-to behind them.  If there is anything design, gifting, entertaining and fashion related you’ll like to see here on the blog, please leave me a comment and let me know.  You all are the reason behind this blog and I want to give you what you are looking for.


Get Connected–If you’re a blogger you’ve read lots of blog post about people leaving comments on blogs (or not).  As bloggers we love to hear from our readers, connect with you and know that you enjoy what we share with you.  More times than not when people, myself included read blog post they don’t leave comments, even when prompted for feedback.  Often times as a blogger we feel a bit down because we see other bloggers with lots of comments on their post but don’t see them on our own blog post.  I have a strong readership here on ConfettiStyle and there are lots of loyal commenters on my blog but I want to connect with more of you.  I hope that you’ll take the time this year to leave a comment on a blog post you love, drop me an email just to say Hi or share an idea.  I’ve made the commitment this year to comment more on the blogs I read and love, not only to connect with other bloggers but to let those bloggers know I enjoy and appreciate what they share each day!  I’d love for the new year to start with a bang so leave me a comment on this post just to say hi!

Blogging in 2014 is going to be fun and I’m so glad you are along for the journey!


Inspiration + Weekend Reads

I stopped doing my Words to Inspire blog post earlier this year so I thought I’d share some pretty profound yet simple words that struck a chord with my this week.  Here are a few bits of wisdom and some great links I think you’ll enjoy!

Have a great weekend!









Everything you need to know to GET happy, BE happy and STAY happy!

Beauty advice every girl needs to know!

It’s interesting reading the diary of this designer!  And I can’t wait to meet her when she’s in Atlanta next month!

The upside of Day Dreaming!

One of the best examples of  why you should never give up!

What a really simple and beautiful fall table!

Tiffany over at Savor Home was inspired to write this Taking Stock post and in-turn inspired me.  I’ll be taking stock and sharing it all with you next week.

Do you want to make money blogging?


images via pinterest

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