Design Guide: Every Room Needs A Touch of Black

Every Room Needs A Touch of Black


When it comes to design rules, some rules hold more weight than others.  Some rules like the ‘ideal placement for furniture’ or ‘throw pillows need a karate chop’ are flexible and can and should be adapted based on personal preference and the function of a space.  Then there are rules that I think are essential to good design.  One of the rules I believe in whole-heartedly is… every room needs a touch of black.  

Explaining the logic behind this design rule is pretty simple.   We all know that color is a powerful thing in design and the color black is one of the most important design colors you can use.


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Design Inspiration: Small Bathrooms with major impact!

Small Bathroom.001


Have you ever heard the saying that bathrooms and kitchens sell a house?  Well, its true and even small bathrooms count when it comes to design whether you’re selling your house now or will be sometime down the road.

Whenever I’m talking to design clients about re-designing a bathroom my focus is always to add as much style as possible into that space.  With larger bathrooms that’s pretty easy to do but with a smaller bathroom space it can be more challenging.

Even with limited space, there are lots of things you can do with structurally and decoratively to add major impact to your bathroom.

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Small Space Decorating Tips

Last year I wrote about the Tiny House Movement and how it is gaining in popularity.  Well, a year later and the movement is just picking up steam.

I recently finished an article for a friend of mine who started and published Welcome Magazine here in Atlanta years ago.  She has since moved to New York and is in the process of re-establishing the magazine there.  She asked me to write an article for it with tips for decorating small spaces and I thought I’d share a few of those tips with you here in the blog.

Decorating small spaces can be challenging.  The layout of a room, the style of furniture, the paint color and how to keep the space organized are just a few of the design elements you have to consider.  The tips I’m sharing will help you do all of that without sacrificing style and personality.

Small Space Decorating.001


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Define Your Design Style

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I taught a design workshop right before Christmas that focused on seasonal décor and fashion.  During the workshop I presented decorating tips and design ideas to inspire those in attendance with their design and personal style.  As I look back on the workshop I recognize that the ideas presented ran the gamment from casual and country to chic and traditional.  It’s always my goal to present a range of ideas that anyone can identify with, since everyone’s style is different.

The workshop also got me thinking about people who don’t have a clear vision of what their style is and in-turn find it challenging to decorate their homes.  If you fall into that category, this blog post is for you.  I’m outlining the steps you can take to analyze and define your design style so decorating becomes a joy and not a job.

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Design Guide: Key Measurements You Need to Know When Decorating Your Home

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On Monday I’ll be outlining my full list of blog goals for 2016 and one of  them is to develop a series called Design Guide. I wrote the first Design Guide series last year, all about sectional sofas.  I’ve been so surprised at the response this blog post and pin has gotten and just how many people are struggling with sectional sofa decorating.  I receive emails weekly (4 this week alone) from people who’ve found the blog post and want additional decorating tips for their sectional.

The Design Guide series will fulfill my desire to share my design knowledge with you so that you can decorate your home with confidence.  If there is a design topic you’d like me to write about just leave me a comment below.

Today’s post is the first installment of  the Design Guide series for 2016 and it’s all about the key measurements you need to know when decorating.  Before you jump into the guide, let me say that while these measurements are ideal in most situations, they won’t work in others.  Every home is different and every design layout and plan requires some adjustments so keep that in mind as you read through the guide.  Your home needs to work for you and your family so make adjustments where they are needed, so they will work for your decor.


Dining room



♦ Allow 36″ – 48″ of space between the back of each dining chair and the wall or furniture behind it to so chairs can be pulled in and out with ease.

♦  The distance between the top of the table and the chair seat should be about 12″. To determine the best seat height for your table, take the height of your table and subtract 12 inches.  Example: A 30″ high dining table (standard height) works best with chairs with a seat height of 18″ (30″-12=18″).

♦  For comfortable dining chairs, look for chairs with a seat depth of between 16″ and 18″.

♦  For rectangular dining tables, allow a minimum of 24″-28″ of table length per person and keep in mind the  width of the chair seat may impact the space needed for each place setting at a table.


Furniture Placement


♦  18″ is the ideal distance you want between the couch and the coffee table.

♦  Walkways between furniture and walls should be at minimum 36″ to allow for easy movement in all directions.

♦  The ideal amount of space you should allow between two chairs placed side by side in the living room is 42″.  A standard size side table will easily fit between the two chair.

♦  The height difference between an end of table and the top of a sofa arm should be 1-2″.




♦ When hanging artwork over a sofa or another piece of furniture, leave 5″- 9″ of space between the top of the sofa/furniture and the bottom of the art. You want to have some separation between the two elements.

♦  When hanging an art grouping above a sofa or piece of furniture, the grouping should be approximately 2/3 the width of the furniture below it. Your goal is for the artwork to be balanced (not too large or too small) with the element below it.

♦  For a single piece of art, the center of the image should be at 56″ – 60″ from the floor, which places the middle of art at eye level. Naturally if the entire family is extra tall or short, you can and should adjust the art so it feels comfortable for viewing.

♦  When hanging multiple pieces of artwork in a stacked layout above a piece of furniture, handle the art as if it was a single, larger piece. The space between the top and bottom piece of artwork should fall at 56″ to 60″.

♦  For symmetrical gallery wall displays, hang wall decor pieces about 2-3″ apart.  For asymmetrical and artistic layouts, arrange the wall decor so it’s pleasing to you.  Keep in mind you want the overall arrangement to feel balanced top to bottom and left to right.


Window Treatments


♦  It’s always a good idea to hang drapery rods as high as possible above window casing/trim which will make your room and windows feel taller and more expansive. A good rule of thumb for the average window is to mount the rods 5″ to 10″ above the trim.

♦  The trend today is for window treatments to skim the floor.  Letting your drapes puddle on the floor is matter of preference and tends to look best in more formal environments.

♦  To give the impression of wider windows extend the drapery rod 6″ to 12″  beyond the window casing not counting the length of a finial is you are using one.

♦  Many people hang curtain panels for decorative purposes only.  If you want your drapes to be functional, your panels should be 2 to 3 times the width of the window.  You can have custom drapes made in the appropriate width or you can hang multiple off the shelf panels together to achieve your desired width.



Dining Room Light


♦   The bottom of the chandelier should hang between 30″ – 34″ above the surface of the table for ceilings that are between 8′ and 9′ high. Higher ceilings will require the light fixture to be hung higher, approximately 3″ for every additional foot of ceiling height.

♦  Height–the higher the ceiling, the taller the chandelier. The rule of thumb is 2.5-3 inches for each foot of ceiling height. A standard 8-foot ceiling will accommodate a chandelier that is 20-24 inches in height.

♦  Diameter–add the height and the width of the room space together. Treat that sum as inches, and you have the suggested diameter of the chandelier for that room. For example, if the room is 20-feet by 18-feet, the sum is 38 feet. The approximate diameter of the chandelier should be 38 inches.


Foyer Light


♦A chandelier should be hung in the center of a foyer or entryway.

♦If your foyer has a window above the door, the chandelier should be centered in the window so that it can be seen from the outside of the home.

♦If an entryway is two stories tall, the chandelier shouldn’t hang below the second floor.

♦ A fixture hung in an open space like a foyer should hang approximately 7′ above the floor.


Kicthen Lights


♦  The standard distance between a kitchen island and a pendant light (top of counter to bottom of light fixture) is 30 to 36 inches.   Adjust the height to ensure the view across the island is not obstructed.


♦  To determine the fan size that’s most appropriate for your space (fans are sized by the number of inches that their blades span), first determine the square feet of your room by multiplying the room’s length by its width. Then use these suggested guidelines:

For rooms up to 75 sq ft, choose a 29″ – 36″ fan
For room 76 to 144 sq ft, choose a 36″ – 42″ fan
For rooms 145 to 225 sq ft, choose a 44″- 48″ fan
For rooms 225 to 400 sq ft, choose a 48″- 54″ fan
For rooms over 400 sq ft, choose a fan that is 54″ or larger
For large great rooms, a fan as large as 72″ may be appropriate
If the room is over 400 sq ft, consider using two fans




♦  Rugs under a dining room table should be at least 24-30″ wider and longer than the table, allowing the back legs of the chairs to stay on the rug even when the chairs are pushed out.

Here’s an easy guide to follow:  

Rug Chart.001.jpeg.001

♦  Area rugs under a bed should extend at least 18-24″ beyond each side of the bed.  Also note you can place runners at each side of the bed as an alternative to a full area rug and runners can be placed along the side or at the foot of the bed.

Runner in bedroom


♦  For standard size living, family there should be between  12″ – 24″ of bare floor between the edges of the area rug and the walls of the room. Smaller rooms should have between 6″-10″ of bare floor exposed.

♦  In living and family rooms, the rug should be larger enough so that the front legs of furniture sit on the rug.

Rug Size



♦  Allow 20″ to 28″ inches for leg clearance below a desk and the seat height of the chair should be 14″-18″ with your feet flat on the floor.

♦  Bookshelves that are used to hold books, including oversized art books should have depth of at least 15″.

♦  For optimal viewing, size your TV based on its distance from the sofa. To get the minimum screen size in inches, divide the viewing distance by 3; for the maximum, divide by 1.5. Already have a TV? Use these guidelines to position your couch. Aim for a 15- to 20-degree viewing angle to the center of the screen.

♦  Always measure your rooms, ceiling height and doorways before you go shopping for furniture to ensure pieces will fit through doors and in their planned space.




These measurements will get your started on a solid design plan for your home.


FIVE place where round mirrors are ideal!

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domaine home

When it comes to decorating, some spaces call for a rectangular mirror while others are ideal for round mirrors.

Mirrors as a whole are wonderful to decorate with because of the added dimension and light they add to a room.  In addition to that, mirrors can create a sense of space and make a smaller room feel bigger.

I’ve used round and rectangular mirrors as part of my decor but if I had to make a choice, I think I’d choose a round mirror or a square or rectangular any time.

Here’s a look at five places where round mirror are ideal for decorating:


No. 1 –Round Mirror In The Foyer

A round mirror in the foyer adds an unconventional touch to traditional decor.  The curved lines of a round mirror provide a contrast to the straight lines of doorways and stairs and when placed opposite a glass inset door, the mirror enhances the natural light that flows into the space.

Round Mirror via My Domaine

 my domaine

No. 2 –Round Mirror Over A Nightstand Vanity

If you are using a desk or vanity table as a nightstand, consider a round mirror.  Again the round shape provides a visual contrast to the square lines of the furniture and will create a vignette that feels softer and more feminine.

Round Mirror via CB@


No. 3 –Round Mirror Over a Mantle

When placed over a mantle, a round mirror creates a open feeling and works when layered with other framed art pieces or decorative objects.  Pay close attention to the size of the round mirror you use over the mantle to ensure it has a enough heft and weight to balance the overall scale of the fireplace.

Round Mirror via DomaineHome

Domanie Home

No. 4 –Round Mirror At The End of A Hallway

Decorating the wall at the end of hallway can be challenging.  A mirror is a good option for this space especially if the area doesn’t get a lot of natural light and if the space is compact. The reflection in the mirror will create visual dimension and add visual interest.

Round Mirror in Hallway via Homebunch

Coastal Living Showhouse–Burnham Designs

No. 5 –Round Mirror In A Gallery Wall Display

Since gallery wall displays typically  include an abundance of square and rectangular framed art pieces, a round mirror thrown into the mix will give the overall arrangement a more relaxed feel.  When using a single mirror in the grouping the mirror can be the focal point and when if you’re using multiple mirrors, go with mirrors in a smaller size so the total wall grouping is the focal point.

Round Mirror via the neotraditionalist

the neotraditionalist

Round Mirrors in Gallery Wall Display via Domaine Home

 Domaine Home

When it comes to shopping for round mirrors, I’ve lucked out and found some great styles at HomeGoods but one of my go-to sources with guaranteed inventory is Wayfair.  Here are some of my faves from their site:

Entwined Wall Mirror

Entwined Wall Mirror–$327.80

Devon Wall Mirror

Devon Wall Mirror -$138.99
Kichler Scallop Wall Mirror
Kichler Scallop Wall Mirror–$250.00
Howard Elliot Rex Convex Mirror–$252.00

And for small mirrors, I always shop Target which has a great selection of mirror sets between $24.00 and $39.00.

Target Mirror Set

Threshold Mirror Set

So when it comes to mirrors, do you stick with traditional rectangular shapes or have you given round mirrors a try?


p.s.  this is not a sponsored post, just sharing the sources I love to shop.

FIVE Ways to Style Your Bookcase

Today I wanted to talk a bit about decorating styles. One of the things I love most about being an interior designer is that there is more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to decorating. Creating a look that fits YOUR lifestyle, personality and esthetic is what decorating your home is all about.

When it comes to helping clients infuse their personal style into their home, bookcase arrangements are one of the areas I love to work on the most.  Bookshelves provide the perfect space for showcasing things you love, sharing your interest through books and representing your unique design style.

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