12 Ways to ReStyle Your Home

Happy Monday my friends!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  

I’ve been busy the last few days getting ready for a visit from my mom. Since my mom’s back surgery in 2006 she hasn’t traveled much and it’s been about 7 years since her last visit to Atlanta.  My uncle and his family are making a trip to Florida and my mom decided to tag along for the ride.  They’ll drop her off here in Atlanta on their way and she’ll be spending a  week with me and my brother.  I’m so excited to see her and now that my brother is here, it’s going to be week of family fun.


Anyway, after spending the last few days cleaning, organizing and doing some restyling around the house, I thought I’d share some ideas if you’re wanting to refresh and restyle your home.


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Are you committing this decorating crime?


There are lots of decorating crimes to be made like placing all your furniture up against the wall or not having the right lighting in a room but there is not worse mistake than that of the dreaded  contoured bathroom rug!

I get why these rugs were invented back in the day but times have changed and you have so many more decorative options than the bathroom-in-a-bag set!

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Sarah Richardson’s Design Style

Kitchen Design by Sarah Richardson

The list of designers that I admire is long but right there are the top of the list is Canadian designer Sarah Richardson.  I’ve written about my admiration for Sarah’s design style before and I’ve also shared my love of her fashion style too.

Recently I came across this blue and white kitchen she designed and was mesmerized at how gorgeous it is.  After a period where painted cabinets were the hot trend, white cabinets are making a comeback.   What I love about this space is that Sarah combined a painted island with white cabinets, giving this kitchen the utmost style.

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This Is Why I Invest In Pillows

ConfettiStyle Spring Bedroom Refresh6

Last week we were doing some purging around the homestead and my husband stumbled upon my pillow stash. At first he didn’t know what he was looking at but as soon as he realized the stack of fabrics were pillow covers he asked a question as only a husband can do–why are you hoarding pillows?

ConfettiStyle Spring Bedroom Refresh1

I immediately gave him a look (as only a wife can do) and told him I wasn’t hoarding, I was investing!

You see, as someone who likes to change-up the decor often, pillows are one of my go-to style solutions.  Just like paint, pillows are a quick, easy and cost-effective way to change the look of a space.  Whether it’s your bedroom or the sofa, a change of pillows can allow you to change the color, style or mood of a room in a flash.

To show you (and my hubby) what I mean, I pulled out some of my pillow covers to show you how easy it is change the look of our bed with just a switch of pillows.

(sources for all pillows at the end of the post)

Option 1:  this is the current pillow combo I have on the bed which features the rose pillows and green accent pillow

ConfettiStyle Spring Bedroom Refresh7

Option 2: black and white patterned pillows + solid red  + red patterned pillow 

Pillow Combo11

Option 3: black and white patterned pillows + solid red + custom monogrammed black and white stripe pillow

Pillow Combo10

Option 4:  black and white patterned pillows + solid yellow pillows (I added the center button) + small floral accent pillow (from HomeGoods)

Pillow Combo9

Option 5:  black and white patterned pillows + solid red + yellow and white pillow I won at the Haven conference last year

Pillow Combo8

Option 6:  solid pink pillows +  rose pattern + small (handmade) black and white accent pillow

Pillow Combo

Option 7:  solid pink pillows + green and white patterned pillow + pink rose pillow

Pillow Combo5

Option 8:  yellow gold textured pillows  + bold black and white pillow  

Pillow Combo2jpg

Option 9:  red and white patterned pillow + bold black and white pillow

Pillow Combo3.jpg

Option 10:  (holiday look) red and white patterned pillow + green accent pillow with trim 

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 I have a few more pillow covers that I didn’t show but you can see how easy it is to get a new look for your home with simple changes.

A few design tips to keep in mind when shopping for pillows:

*** buy pillow covers only which will allow you to easily change out your pillows from season to season or whenever the mood strikes

***use your patterned pillows to pull accent colors from and then buy solid colored pillows in those colors

***invest in a classic striped pillows which will mix and match with everything

***invest in a bold, graphic pattern that can mix with florals and other non-graphic patterns

***think about every room in your home that has pillows and buy pillows that can work in multiple spaces


If you want to shop my pillow collection, I’ve listed the sources below as well as a few other places I shop for pillows.

[click on images below to enlarge them ]



My favorite sources for pillow covers:

Ikea–a great source for solid colored, basic pillow covers at rock bottom prices

West Elm–you’ll find lots of modern patterns, solid basics and traditional textures

Etsy–this is the place to shop for pillows using designer fabrics–Stuck on Hue has one of the best assortments 

Pottery Barn Kids–a great source for novelty styles, bright colors, faux fur and whimsical shapes, many of which are appropriate for an adult space  

And don’t forget to invest in good quality down pillow inserts.   My go to sources are Pottery Barn Outlet, West Elm and Fabric.com  

Happy decorating!


FOUR Steps To Picking The Right Paint Color


Painting rooms is not my favorite thing to do.  Usually I come up with the plan, help tape off and then when my husband starts rolling the paint I sneak out the room to do other stuff.    My vanishing act has been happening for years and it works for both the hubby and I.

I know many of you have painting on your to-do list for the long weekend so I wanted to share a few tips to help you avoid picking the wrong paint color.  These are the same tips I share with my design clients so know that they have stood the test of time.

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Bedroom Lighting: FOUR Options to Consider


No matter what the size of your bedroom is, one of the key components to the style and function of the space is lighting.  While dark rooms my be great for sleeping, the right lighting is needed for other functions like reading in bed or getting dressed in the morning or evening.  The style of lighting your choose should enhance your decor in addition to enhancing the atmosphere of the bedroom.

When it comes to bedroom lighting, there are several forms of lighting to consider…

Table Lamps / Floor Lamps / Wall Sconces / Hanging Lights

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Inspiration {plus links to love}

 As you read this I’m either scouring antique stores or sitting on the beach.  I was in need of a weekend getaway and some R and R.

Wherever you are this weekend, I hope you find time to relax and enjoy the links below.  Oh, and if you want to check out my weekend adventures, you can follow me on Instagram.

Decorating with Confidence

No matter what age you are, you can decorate with confidence.

Emily A. Clark

Great advice on taking ownership of your decorating!

Idea to Business

How to turn your idea into a business.

Inspired by Charm

Simple and easy ways to style your table for spring.

Mother daughter

Sometimes you just have to stop and remember those words of wisdom your mom shared with you.

Have a great weekend.


Decorating with Things You Love

Decorating with Things You Love

Style at Home

I love talking to women who are in the process of decorating or re-decorating their home.  It may be their first apartment, their first house or a house they have lived in for years.  Regardless of their living situations, I always offer up my best piece of design advice which never changes–Decorate With The Things You Love!

With a slew of home decor stores, catalogs, websites and blogs to provide design inspiration, I think many people lose sight of this golden rule.  Decorating with the things you love goes way beyond a favorite accessory piece or framed family picture, it’s about creating a home filled only with things that enrich your life, your body, your mind and your soul.

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