DIY Designer Notebooks {and getting a jump on handmade holiday gifts}


Hello there!   I’m so giddy about my latest diy project and although it’s not revolutionary, it’s the kind of project that puts a big smile on my face.

After spending boat loads of money over the years buying fancy notebooks and journals, I finally decided to get crafty and make my own designer notebooks.

DIY Notebooks by ConfettiStyle1

 Since I have a deep love for beautiful paper, this project centered around some of my favorite patterns, colors and designs.  I used geometric prints, damask patterns, leather and snakeskin designs and of course bright colors were part of the mix.

DIY Notebooks by ConfettiStyle7

The snake skin and embossed croco embossed papers below are actually sheets of vinyl that I found on sale at Michaels for .75 cents.

DIY Notebooks by ConfettiStyle

These diy notebooks were super simple to make and required just a few supplies:

*  Notebooks–most of the notebooks I covered I found at HomeGoods but I also covered Composition Notebooks which you can find at any office supply store, Wal-Mart or Target for around .50 cents.  The mini notebooks came from Ikea (2/$1.00). This Etsy shop also has a great selection of plain kraft notebooks.

*  Decorative paper–you can use scrapbook paper, thick wrapping paper, vinyl sheets and even pages from a book.  Most of my decorative scrapbook paper came from Micheals.

*  Permanent glue tape–I use my Glue Glider Pro which made applying the tape quick and easy–available from Amazon

*  Exacto Knife and Scissors

*  Blank Labels and Sticker Letters–available at Michaels

DIY Noteboooks by ConfettiStyle

How to:

To cover each book, open the notebook, lay it flat and trace the outline of the notebook onto the backside of your paper.  Cut the paper with your scissors.

Apply glue tape to the front of the notebook first and adhere your paper to the front cover.  Next, apply glue tape to the spine of the notebook and wrap the paper around towards the back.

Apply glue tape to the back cover of the notebook and secure the paper in place.  It’s that easy.  You can also cover the inside of the front and back cover if you want.

Finally, apply a label to the front of each notebook and add a sticker monogram to personalize it.

DIY Notebooks

DIY Notebooks by ConfettiStyle6

As an added detail, I UpStyled the larger notebooks with metal corner protectors.


I’m on a notebook making marathon because halfway through making a few for myself I realized what great handmade Christmas gifts they’d make.

DIY Noteboooks by ConfettiStyle5

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you’re inspired to make your own designer notebooks.


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