Inspiration + Weekend Reads and more


Happy Springs!   Here’s to warmer and sunnier days ahead.

As you read this, I’ll be in the middle of teaching the first of two design workshops at Smith’s, a local home décor and gift store here in Atlanta.  Teaching and sharing my passion for design is one of my greatest joys in life.  I love helping people tap into their creative side and want to make their homes and the décor that surrounds them each day the best it can be.  So while I’m off teaching my workshops, I hope you’ll make time this weekend to tap into your passion and do something you love!
Here are a few links I think you’ll like and a little something special that made my week.
I found this advice on Improving Your Life in One Week to be pretty insightful.
If you are an Etsy shop owner or own an online retail business, you’ll want to read this post on how to protect your handcrafted pieces written by my friend Sarah.  Eye Opening!
The latest issue of Gatherings Magazine is out and it is sure to get you in the mood for spring!
I think this bag is perfect for spring (and summer)!
If you haven’t already heard, Google Reader is going away which will impact all the blogs you follow via a RSS feed using google.  To stay connected, you can follow ConfettiStyle via Bloglovin’ here or via Feedly here.  You can easily import your Google Reader into these platforms and continue to enjoy ConfettiStyle. And you always have the option of following via email (subscribe box on the sidebar).
And something that made my week…
Although I left my job at Eddie Bauer and moved away from Seattle over 12 years ago, I’ve kept in touch with many of the people I worked with.  My team of buyers were some of the best in the business and they have all gone on to great things in their careers.  I have always felt and hoped that my training and mentoring helped to develop each one of them to be the best they can be.  Last week one of my former buyers, Geri sent me an unexpected gift (something I really love) and special note in the mail that confirmed just that.


An autographed copy of Paula Deen’s newest cookbook (I adore Paula)…
Geri works with Paula and other celebrity chefs in developing exclusive products for stores.


and this note that really touched my heart!


Each of us was put on this earth for a purpose and I believe that one of my purposes’ in life is to mentor others.  I don’t think it’s necessarily because of what I know but more because I have a real desire to help others become the best they can be in life and strive to help them do just that.  I learned early on in my career that I am only as good as the people who work for me and I can honestly say, given the people who I’ve had the pleasure of leading over the years, my GOOD rating is pretty high!
Thanks Geri for the gift and your special words!

Words to Inspire

Happy Thursday!

It’s been a Christmas decorating frenzy in my neck of the woods, but it’s been great!

Earlier this week I was able to spend time with two of my most favorite people on earth. They helped me decorate client homes for Christmas and it was such fun.

  Both of these friends are people who I admire and that I hold in the highest esteem.  Both of them inspire me in ways that don’t even know and most of all, both of them make me feel loved beyond measure That my friends is what friendship is about!

As we parted for the day, one of the friends gave me a present.  I said ‘thank you’ and told her I wouldn’t open it until Christmas but she said it wasn’t a Christmas gift, it was a JUST BECAUSE GIFT that was given for no reason other than to inspire and show love!

Knowing that I’m heading to New York today to compete in the Scotch Brand Most Gifted Wrapper contest, the gift was a beautiful book on gift wrapping….a book that unbelievably I didn’t already own but wanted to.  Along with the gift came a card which include these handwritten words from my friend…

Congrats on being a finalist in the gift wrapping contest!
Congrats on being featured in Country Living!
Congrats on your Blog Award!
Congrats on living out your Passions!
The card brought me to tears and reminded me of this simple thing…
PINK Quote

Wishing you a day filled with nothing by HAPPY!

Happy Valentines Day!

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I hope your jar is filled with nothing but sweet things, hugs and happiness and lots of love!

Happy Valentines Day!

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images via pinterest

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