6 New Reasons Why I Love Pottery Barn

Did you get the new Pottery Barn catalog in the mail?   I got mine last night and immediately sat down and flipped through the pages.  Wow, there are so many awesome new items that I am loving!

So over the top in love with this Cuisine Paper Towel Holder. And knowing me, I’d also try to find a way to use to as a gift wrap holder.  Anyone know a company that makes small rolls of wrap??

Jacquelyne Lidded Barrel Basket

The shape and hardware on the Jacquelyne Lidded Barrel Basket make it special.

Arden Lockers

The Arden Lockers would be such a cool piece for a kids room or basement.

Accordion Dual Kitchen Pendant

Love the function and style of this adjustable Accordian Dual Kitchen Pendant.

This Ikat Drum lampshade is over the top gorgeous!

and this Wheel Barrel Bowl would be so fun to plan a summer party around.

I could go on and on with the items I love but I don’t want to spoil your adventure of flipping though the catalog.

Pottery Barn always seems to deliver a great selection of unique, stylish and adorable items to fit any décor style.  As a designer, they are one of my go to sources for accessories and tabletop items.

P.S. You’ll love all the new bedding they just introduced and if Easter décor is your thing you’ll love all the rabbit themed pieces they have. 

Enjoy the catalog and leave me a comment letting me know what items are your favorite.

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