The other day I was cleaning out under the bathroom sink and realized I had a hoard of nail polish. While I mostly wear red and pink polish I found a couple of unique colors in my stash. Colors that would be perfect for making Marbleized Gift Tags which have been on my crafting to-do list for months.
Supplies: * fingernail polish – in a mix of colors * metal pie tin (from the dollar store) * old cookie sheet * water * blank gift tags * wood skewer or toothpick *nail polish remover – for clean up
Work in a well ventilated area or you’ll be feeling as swirly as your gift tags when you’re done.

Fill the pie pan with 1/4″ to 1/2″ of water.
Begin dropping the polish into the water but work fast as the nail polish tends to solidify rather quickly.
Mix the nail polish colors together using your tooth pick. The mix doesn’t look pretty at this point but the end result will be different.
Instead of swirling the colors together you can also pull the colors in a line pattern to keep the colors a bit more separated.

Once your colors are mixed, lightly place your gift tag on to the surface of the water. Don’t submerge the tag. The polish will adhere to the tag.
Once you’ve dipped your tags lay them flat on your cookie sheet to dry.
You’ll get a different pattern and color combination with every gift tag and the fun will last for hours 🙂
Ta da…

Didn’t I tell you the result would be great?!
I’m headed to store today to pick up some more nail polish to make more of these beautiful tags. I’ll have some for sale in my Ruffles and Remnants Etsy shop soon.
Happy Crafting!