DIY Monogram Drink Stirrers

I love to personalize our small little cocktail cart with monogrammed cocktail napkins and barware.  The newest additon to the cart are my DIY Monogrammed Cocktail Stir Sticks which you got a glimpse of when you saw my mug wraps.

DIY Mug Wrap by ConfettiStyle

After seeing and wanting these monogrammed cocktail stick on Horchow but not wanting to pay $65.00 for them, I knew I this could be an easy DIY project.


After gathering all my supplies, it took me about 15 minutes to make 25 personalized stir sticks and all for less than $9.00 !

Monogram Stir Stick by ConfettiStyle

To make your own monogrammed stir sticks, here’s what you’ll need:

Plain Wood Drink Stir Sticks {this Etsy shop is currently on vaca but you can ask to be notified when they open back up}

Assorted Adhesive Letter Stickers {available from craft stores and always remember to check the sale section for these}

Mod Podge {to seal you stickers to the stick)

Monogram Drink Stirrers (4) copy

I love how easy these were to make and plan on making more to give as gifts!  

Monogram Stir Sticks by ConfettiStyle

DIY Mug Wrap by ConfettiStyle3

Happy Crafting!



Entertaing Idea: Swizzle Sticks

Every great party includes fabulous cocktails (loaded or virgin) and every great cocktail deserves a fun swizzle sticks.
Did you know that swizzle sticks originated in Martinique when bartenders plucked twigs from native trees and used them to mix drinks to get them nice and cold.
Swizzle sticks are a throwback to the 60’s and 70’s cocktail culture when a gathering of friends and some libations resulted in a classic cocktail party.
After doing a little research I learned that there are three ways to mix a drink, one of which is to SWIZZLE IT!
Stirring a drink results in the liquid getting chilled and the booze being diluted without adding air.
Shaking  a drink adds air to the cocktail while chilling it and diluting the booze.
And Swizzling a drink combines the juices and spirits and evenly chills the liquid without diluting the booze. Plus it looks cooler.
There are so many great swizzle sticks you can buy but I love the idea of making my own.  Here’s a few of my favorite DIY Swizzle Sticks.
Gold Paper Hearts
Washi Tape Flags
Metallic Pom Poms
Toy Animals
2 (3)
Whatever’s in the craft drawer
Yarn Pom Poms
Ingredients to make swizzle sticks:
Wood skewers or flat wood pasty sticks
A decorative object
Glue, tape or some type of non-toxic adhesive
A cocktail to help with the creative process while you make your swizzle sticks!


Swizzle sticks are an easy way to introduce a little fun and whimsy into your party.  They can also be use to help people keep track of their drinks and most importantly they will make you look like the hostess with the mostess at your next gathering!
Have I won your over yet?  If not, head over to my Party Ideas pinterest board for a ton more swizzle stick ideas.  All of the images above can be found there!


For more Entertaining Ideas check out this, this and this!

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