More and more lately I’m feeling the urge to live with less. That feeling has me organizing every nook and cranny of my home. Yesterday I spend some time organizing my bathroom drawers and boy was did it leave me with a great feeling.
It feels good to get rid of stuff that is not being used and no longer has value and it’s nice to look at drawers that are pretty and organized.
Since I feel I’m pretty good at organizing, I wanted to share a few of my tried-and-true organizing tips with you.
1. Start with a Clean Slate–pull everything out of the space that you are organizing and start with a clean slate. You will also get better organizing results when you start with a clean slate and are not working around stuff.
2. Sort and Discard–this is where you have to get serious. Touch every item that you pulled out of the space and ask yourself if it is worth keeping. Is it being used? Is it out of date? Does it work? These are just a few of the questions you need to ask to determine if an item comes or goes. {light bulb moment: I recognized i hoard mascara}
3. Give Away Useful Items–I’ve always given items that I no longer wanted to organizations like Goodwill but it wasn’t until I became a board member for a local non-profit organization that I realized how donated items can make a difference in a person’s life. If you have useful items that you want to toss, find a local charity or non-profit organization to donate them to instead.
3. Make It Pretty–if you’re decorating spaces like closets, bookcases or drawers, add a pretty background to give the area style. You can add decorative drawer liners to drawer or line the backs of closets or bookcases with decorative wallpaper or gift wrap.
4. Create Order—one of the best things you can do to help you stay organized in the future is to group like items together and create order within the space. A drawer in the bathroom calls for containers to hold small items and keep things from sliding around. Use color-coded containers if that helps you keep things in order or use clear containers if it helps you see what you have.
5. Everything In It’s Place and a Place For Everything–now that your drawers are pretty and organized, take the time to put things back in their space after you use them!
I think organizing every area of your life is necessary for you to live the best life possible. Make it a practice to de-clutter on a regular basis and keep only those things that are useful to you and your life.
***drawer liner found at TJMaxx
Happy organizing!
Yes, you have just shamed me into cleaning out my bathroom drawer space. That looks amazing and you make a good point that de-cluttering is necessary for living your best life. Now I need to get some energy to get started on this project. Thanks for adding to my To Do List. 🙂