There’s a COLOR TREND I’m seeing more and more of around blogland and in magazines and although it is not something I think I’d incorporate into my home, I’m finding the trend of BLACK WALLS to be quite stunning and stylish! via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest
I love the look of black on a wall with lots of trim detail. So regal!
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The thick white moldings and ceiling alcove offset against these black walls is so dramatic. Only in rooms with super high ceilings and abundant light does a black ceiling work. via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest
I’m really digging the bold furniture against these black walls. The color keeps the room for feeling like a cave. via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest
High gloss black walls surround white built-ins…So chic! via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest
If you can’t take the leap to black walls, think about black crown and floor molding. Black high and low really frames this space and adds dramatic design detail. And, the black mirror is the perfect element to tie it all together. via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest
Love black around the window, especially in rooms with lots of white! via ConfettiStyle on Pinterest
Another great example of how black can be use to enhance the structural details of a space and help define the style esthetic of a home!
So, what do you think of the idea of black walls? Yeah or Nay?
I love the color black and find it very elegant no matter what color or how it is accessorized! Way to go Shelly for recognizing the power of Black. The presence of black is freeing and cleansing for the spirit, mind, and soul.