As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized how important it is to start my day off on a good note. It’s the little things like how I wake up and how I view the day ahead that determines whether my day will be good and productive or lousy and unproductive.
If you’ve found yourself in a funk as you start the day, take some time to think about what you can do to make your morning better which will result in a better day over all.
Here are 10 morning principles I use to make my day the best it can be…
# 1 –Wake up with the alarm sounds and give thanks
This might not sound like a big deal but waking up on schedule and not allowing yourself to hit that a snooze button will start your day with an attitude of energy versus one of procrastination. And before you get out of bed, take a moment to give thanks for another day of life and the opportunity to live life to the fullest
#2–Start the day with positive affirmations
I’ve found that my first thoughts of the day can determine how successful my day with be. Wake up and fill your mind with positive thoughts about yourself and what you want to accomplish during the day. Your thoughts have power so use them to propel your forward.
#3–Make your bed
I’ve talked about this habit before on the blog and to me it’s a big one. My mom always told to me that an Un-made bed is the sign of an Un-made day and I think those words hold a lot of truth. If you start the day off with things organized you’re setting yourself up for a more organized and productive day.
#4–Turn on some tunes and Stretch
I’ve always loved music but it’s only been in the last few years of working at home that I have come to appreciate how music can positively impact my mood and spirit. Turn on some inspiring music when you getting ready in the morning and take a moment to stretch your body and awaken your senses. Three of my favorite songs to start the day:
I Look to You by Whitney Houston
Over The Rainbow by Patti LaBelle
I Believe I Can Fly by Yolanda Adams
#5–Take time to pamper yourself
Treat your morning routine as a luxury and take a few extra minutes in the shower and spray on your favorite perfume.
#6–Put on something that makes you feel good
I believe we all have power color–a color the makes us feel extra dynamic and powerful. On those days when you need a little extra push, wear something in your favorite color or put on a favorite piece of jewelry. When you feel good that will come across in everything you do.
#7–Eat a good breakfast
To be honest I struggle with this everyday. I’m a morning person and when I get in a work groove I can look up and realize it’s two o’clock and I haven’t eaten anything. I’ve started to plan and prep my meals so it’s easy to grab a bite in the morning and it has helped a lot. When you don’t fuel your body in the morning you won’t have the energy to work to at your highest potential throughout the day.
#8–Review your calendar and to-do list
I try to flush out my to-do list every evening so that I’m know what I need to accomplish the next day. In the morning I’m reading to hit the ground running instead of spending time thinking thorough what need to get done. Plan to execute so you can execute your plan!
#9–Tackle the toughest task first
When I worked in the corporate world I learned to do the task that were the least fun or that took the most energy first. Not only will crossing a big item off your to-do list make you feel good, but it will give your added energy to tackle the rest of the items on your list.
#10–Identify what’s for dinner
Ending the day on a good note is just as important at starting the day on a good note. Each morning plan what you’re going to have for dinner. Planning will help ensure you’re eating healthy and that you take quality the time to wind down for the day.
Great tips!
This is wonderful! Your mom is a very wise woman. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone did this?
Thank you for sharing. I needed this today.