25 Random Things

I love reading blogs and one of my favorite daily reads is The Creative Place, written by the very talented artist and crafter, Ashley.

Today, Ashelys’ blog post was a listing of 25 Random Things about her.  Not only was the list fun to read, but it allowed me to get to know Ashley from afar.  

I was planning a similar blog post for later this week, with only 10 Random Things, but Ashley’s list inspired me to divulge a bit more about myself.  So, without further a due, here are 25 Random Things about me, the blogger and designer behind ConfettiStyle.


1.  I love wrapping paper.  Even though I have a signature color (red and hot pink) that I try to wrap my gifts in, I can’t pass up a role of beautiful wrapping paper.  Luckily, I’ve found ways to incorporate beautiful paper into my craft and design projects, which justifies my paper addiction.

2.  I love horses.  Several of my friends had horses when I was young and I love to ride.  I even have a collection of those plastic horses from when I was young. 

3.  I tried out for Miss Teen USA way back when.  Since I couldn’t since, I chose to do a dance routine as the scarecrow from Wizard of Oz.  I used my gold cheerleading pom-pom as the hair for my costume.  

4.  I love to travel.  When I worked for Eddie Bauer, I had the opportunity to travel to the far east.  I spent 5 years traveling to  places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia.   Singapore is one of  my favorite places on earth.  

5.  I love to cruise.  The hubby and I took a cruise on our honeymoon and fell in love.  We’ve taken 7 cruises so far and hopefully will be off on another one soon.

6.  The water has to be running when I brush my teeth, or I’ll gag.

7.   I hate loading the dishwasher.

8.  I decorate my Christmas tree in a different theme each year.

9.  I used to be proud that I had never been in the hospital, until I tore my rotar cuff hanging a piece of artwork at my store.  And yes, it sounded like a piece of paper tearing when it happened.  Now, I have one hospital stay on my resume.

10.  I love blues music.  I’m an old soul at heart when it comes to music.

11.  I still have a baby tooth in my mouth.  Every time I get x-rays at the dentist, they are surprised that I still have it and it’s so strong.

12.  I need to have complete silence and darkness when I sleep.  

13.  I was class president all three years in high school. Yes, I’m somewhat of an overachiever.

14.  I was only 4 1/2 lbs. when I was born and spent a month in an incubator.

15.  I collect Boyd’s Bears.  My collection has grown to about 120 stuffed bears.

16.  My favorite color is red.  When I was young, my bedroom theme was white with red roses.

17.  I was voted best dressed in high school.  My love of fashion started when I was really young and still continues today.

18.  I love the smell of Clorox–totally random for sure.

19.  Like Ashley, I love magazines.  I’ve created a list of all the ones’ I get with the expiration date so I can keep track of them all.

20.  I’m a cat person.  My two cats, Boots and Coco lived for 16 and 18 years respectively.  It’s been hard to think about bringing a new cat into my home, but I know I will soon.

21.  I adore Carson Kressley.  If I were stranded on an island, I’d want it to be with him.

22.  I want to learn to ride a motorcycle.  It’s on my bucket list.

23.   I empty the change out of my wallet every night.  A few years ago, we had collect $900 in coins.

24.  The Devil Wears Prada and Shawshank Redemption are my favorite movies.

25.  I hate cartoons.


  So, there you have it.  A few things about me that you probably didn’t know.

i’d love to know a few of your secrets, so do share!

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