Easing Into 2019 | And A Few Goals For The New Year


Happy 2019 friends!  If you’ve been thinking that it’s been a long time since you last heard from me, you’re right. At the end of last year, I decided to take a few weeks off from blogging and ease into 2019 at a slow pace.  Little did I know that my slow pace would turn into a snails crawl.

Let me catch you up on what’s been happening...

The holiday season was a bit of blur with Christmas and the new year coming and going in a flash. I had a wonderful Christmas and it was nice to celebrate at my mom’s house here in Atlanta.  The best part was not having to make the 11 hour road trip to Oklahoma that we always did.   The commute to see my mom is now down to about 20 minutes.

Right after the New Year,  I had a ton of work to squeeze in before heading off to the Atlanta Gift and Furniture Market. Every January and July I attend market and to shop the latest trends in the home decor and gift industry.  I also put my  retail expertise to work and assist buyers with their orders in the largest showroom at the mart.  In total, I spend 9 or 10 long days soaking in all the market fun.    

On the last day of market, I felt a tickle in my throat and immediately took some cold medicine.  The next morning I woke up and felt like I had been hit by a truck.  All the germs that were floating around market caught up with me and I was down for the count.  I had what felt like a combination of a cold and the flu for more than 10 days.

p.s.  I’m working on a trends post from market and will share it on the blog next week.  Here are a few sneak peek photos.

Fast forward to last Thursday when Mr. Confetti finally encouraged me to go see the doctor.  Luckily I didn’t have the flu but I did have a severe cold, a fever and a sinus infection. Doc hooked me up with some meds and I’m feeling much better and finally have the energy to get back to my routine.

Beautiful Life Happy Planner

So that brings us to today…

I wanted to pop in to let you know that I’m still here and have been working on lots of things to share with you in 2019.  I didn’t feel on top of my blogging game in 2018 so a major goal this year is to deliver more consistent, inspirational and personalized content.  One of the things I’m brining back is the monthly installment of my Inspiration Notebook. The notebook is my way of journal what’s inspiring me each month as well as visualizing some of my monthly goals.

I’m also relaunching a few of the popular series I’ve had on the blog including the Design Guide series, Product + Inspiration and a lots of tablescape and entertaining inspiration. All of these series are at the core of what ConfettiStyle is all about–A Guide For Stylish Living!

10 Designer Tricks Of The Trade

I’ve also have big house goals this year and will share the projects as I tackle them.  To keep me on track, I created a thorough ”to do” list, which breaks down my project goals room-by-room.  My list will keep me focused on what needs to get done in each room and become a source of happiness as I cross each project off the list.

I’ll be sharing my detailed Home Goals list next week so you have an idea of what I’ll be working on.

Whew!  The year is only just beginning and I’m already tired thinking about all the plans I have.

Before I sign off, I want to take a moment and say Thank You to all of my faithful followers.  It means a lot to me that you allow me into your world to inspire you.  2019 is going to be a great year and I look to sharing it all with you.



My Blog Goals for 2016

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It’s hard to believe that I started this blog almost 6 years ago.  I’ve enjoy the process from day one and while I’ve found myself getting caught up in the ‘their doing this’, ‘their doing that’ game along the way, I’ve tried to stay true to what my mission was.

 My goal from the start was to share and inspire and today that goal remains the same.  One of my passions is interior design and I want this blog to motivate and inspire you with your own decorating.  Entertaining, whether on a small or large-scale is something I love and I want to share unique and creative entertaining ideas with you.  I’ve been a crafter all my life and through this blog I plan to share fun and easy projects with you.  And when it comes to creative gift wrapping, my passion soars and I want to show you how to gift in style. ConfettiStyle is a lifestyle blog meant to enhance your life.

So, what do I have planned for ConfettiStyle in 2016?

Over the last couple of years I’ve featured several design series here on the blog and many will continue in the new year.   In the Design Chat series I’ll continue to answer your design questions and offer up advice, solutions and inspiration to help you tackle it like a pro.

  The ConfettiStyle Design Guide series lets me share my design knowledge with you in more detail and will include topics like The Best Paint Colors For Decorating, Selecting Lighting For Your Home, Organizing & Decorating a Home Office and Small Space Decorating Secrets Designers Use.

Another fun series you’ll continue to see is Product + Inspiration.  This is where I share a popular home decor item along with inspirational photos and decorating tips for that item.  This series just might make you look at an item in a new way.

I slacked a bit (ok, a lot) last year on my Gift Wrap Inspiration posts but have lots of fun, new gift wrap ideas to share with you in 2016.

A new series you’ll see on the blog is called Behind The Blog.  I’ve made lots of friends and contacts through my blog and want to share them all with you.  In this series, I’ll do a personal interview with bloggers I admire, giving you a glimpse into their blog, their inspiration and their talents.

And finally, I’ll continue to bring you crafting and DIY projects, fashion finds, easy decorating ideas and so much more–all the things I’m passionate about.

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Thank you so much for stopping by ConfettiStyle each day.  Good things are coming in 2016!

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My Blog Goals for 2014

In addition to setting personal goals for the new year, I have also been flushing out the goals I have for the ConfettiStyle blog.  Blogging for me is not only a creative outlet but it has become an extension of my business and has in fact brought new business, relationships and opportunities my way.  It has been an exciting journey, from my first blog post to today but I want to take my blog and the business of blogging to a new level.  Here’s what I have planned for 2014!


Better Photography–YES I’ve had my new DSLR camera for over a year and NO I haven’t even picked up the manual or watched the video that came with it.  But 2014 will be different.  Not only will I read the manual and watch the video, I’m taking a photography class this year and I’m dedicated to practice, practice, practice.  My camera is going to be my sidekick and the photos I show on my blog will be bigger, brighter and better.


More DIY, Crafting and How-To-Projects–I love to create and I’m planning on bringing you lots of great projects this year.  I’m not a furniture maker or wood-worker so the projects I share with you will be on the smaller scale and very do-able!  I’ve already got a long list of projects started and have begun working on some which I’ll share in the weeks ahead.  Creating things that I can enjoy in my home and life, or give to friends and family will be the foundation of my projects and of course inspiring you to be creative too!


Quality over Quantity–When I looked back on 2013 I realize that I felt the pressure to keep up.  Keep up with the bloggers that blog daily or even twice a day, keep up with crafters that churn out 100’s of project each year, keep up with being, going and doing.  Well, I’m looking at 2014 through different lenses.  This year I may not bring you a blog post every day and I may not have two or three projects for you each month, but what I do promise is focusing on creating quality design, fashion, gifting and entertaining related blog post for you to learn from and be inspired by.  If you don’t already, I’d love for you to subscribe (on the right sidebar) to the blog so you’ll get my post delivered directly to you inbox and for you to follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I’ll be sharing design ideas and inspiration you won’t see on the blog.


More Original Content–There is so much fabulous design inspiration that can be found on the web, Pinterest and other blogs and I will continue to bring you those things that I things that catch my eye and that I think you’ll love.  I also want this year to be about sharing more original content with you.  Over the course of my blog life I’ve developed several series like The Anatomy Of…, Words to Inspire, Fashion Focus, Gift Wrap Inspiration and Design Crush.  In order to bring you more original content some of these series will continue and some will go away but I’m working on a few new series to launch this year.  How does a series called Styling 101 where I’ll share design advice for styling things like kitchen counters, bookcases, closets and hobby spaces sound to you?  What about Style Recipe where I’ll show you a room, vignette, tablescape and then break down the elements ‘recipe style’ to help you re-create the look?  I’m also planning a series called, Crafting Course where I’ll share crafting projects and the how-to behind them.  If there is anything design, gifting, entertaining and fashion related you’ll like to see here on the blog, please leave me a comment and let me know.  You all are the reason behind this blog and I want to give you what you are looking for.


Get Connected–If you’re a blogger you’ve read lots of blog post about people leaving comments on blogs (or not).  As bloggers we love to hear from our readers, connect with you and know that you enjoy what we share with you.  More times than not when people, myself included read blog post they don’t leave comments, even when prompted for feedback.  Often times as a blogger we feel a bit down because we see other bloggers with lots of comments on their post but don’t see them on our own blog post.  I have a strong readership here on ConfettiStyle and there are lots of loyal commenters on my blog but I want to connect with more of you.  I hope that you’ll take the time this year to leave a comment on a blog post you love, drop me an email just to say Hi or share an idea.  I’ve made the commitment this year to comment more on the blogs I read and love, not only to connect with other bloggers but to let those bloggers know I enjoy and appreciate what they share each day!  I’d love for the new year to start with a bang so leave me a comment on this post just to say hi!

Blogging in 2014 is going to be fun and I’m so glad you are along for the journey!


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